Sustainability is Efficiency


TerraRad is working to create synergies between societies and our planet’s finite natural resources. We aim to optimize efficiency and sustainability by harnessing the potential of remote sensing technology.

Proudly Made in Switzerland

We are a Swiss startup company and a spinoff from the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) within the domain of ETH-Zürich. Our company arose out of research in earth observation and remote sensing.

TerraRad uses a sensing technology known as passive microwave which is most frequently seen aboard satellites. Our products include our sensor and associated software packages for delivering actionable information via moisture maps.

We offer drone- (UAV), vehicle-, and ground-based systems. Our systems have been used in 5 continents from the Amazon to Antarctica, for a wide range of sensing needs.  

Our Major Applications Include:





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Strategic Partnerships Include:

Get in Touch

Have we sparked your interest? Please get in touch for more details. We regularly check these messages and will respond as soon as possible.

-The TerraRad Team